home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #! /usr/bin/perl
- #
- # update-rc.d Update the links in /etc/rc[0-9S].d/
- #
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- my $initd = "/etc/init.d";
- my $etcd = "/etc/rc";
- my $notreally = 0;
- # Print usage message and die.
- sub usage {
- print STDERR "update-rc.d: error: @_\n" if ($#_ >= 0);
- print STDERR <<EOF;
- usage: update-rc.d [-n] [-f] <basename> remove
- update-rc.d [-n] <basename> defaults [NN | SS KK]
- update-rc.d [-n] <basename> start|stop NN runlvl [runlvl] [...] .
- update-rc.d [-n] <basename> disable|enable [S|2|3|4|5]
- -n: not really
- -f: force
- The disable|enable API is not stable and might change in the future.
- exit (1);
- }
- # Dependency based boot sequencing is the default, but upgraded
- # systems might keep the legacy ordering until the sysadm choose to
- # migrate to the new ordering method. sysv-rc version 2.87dsf-2 will
- # remove /var/lib/insserv/using-insserv and this divert, thus transfering
- # the responsibility for dependency based update-rc.d to sysv-rc.
- if ( -f "/var/lib/insserv/using-insserv" && ! -f "/etc/init.d/.legacy-bootordering" ) {
- info("using dependency based boot sequencing");
- exit insserv_updatercd(@ARGV);
- }
- # Check out options.
- my $force;
- my @orig_argv = @ARGV;
- while($#ARGV >= 0 && ($_ = $ARGV[0]) =~ /^-/) {
- shift @ARGV;
- if (/^-n$/) { $notreally++; next }
- if (/^-f$/) { $force++; next }
- if (/^-h|--help$/) { &usage; }
- &usage("unknown option");
- }
- sub save_last_action {
- my ($script, @arguments) = @_;
- my $archive = "/var/lib/update-rc.d";
- return if $notreally;
- open(FILE, ">", "$archive/${script}.new") || die;
- print FILE join(" ","update-rc.d",@arguments), "\n";
- close(FILE);
- rename "$archive/${script}.new", "$archive/${script}";
- }
- # Action.
- &usage() if ($#ARGV < 1);
- my $bn = shift @ARGV;
- unless ($bn =~ m/[a-zA-Z0-9+.-]+/) {
- print STDERR "update-rc.d: illegal character in name '$bn'\n";
- exit (1);
- }
- if ($ARGV[0] ne 'remove') {
- if (! -f "$initd/$bn") {
- print STDERR "update-rc.d: $initd/$bn: file does not exist\n";
- exit (1);
- }
- &parse_lsb_header("$initd/$bn");
- &cmp_args_with_defaults($bn, $ARGV[0], @ARGV);
- } elsif (-f "$initd/$bn") {
- if (!$force) {
- printf STDERR "update-rc.d: $initd/$bn exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force)\n";
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- my @startlinks;
- my @stoplinks;
- $_ = $ARGV[0];
- if (/^remove$/) { &checklinks ("remove"); save_last_action($bn, @orig_argv); }
- elsif (/^defaults$/) { &defaults (@ARGV); &makelinks; save_last_action($bn, @orig_argv); }
- elsif (/^(start|stop)$/) { &startstop (@ARGV); &makelinks; save_last_action($bn, @orig_argv); }
- elsif (/^(dis|en)able$/) { &toggle (@ARGV); &makelinks; save_last_action($bn, @orig_argv); }
- else { &usage; }
- exit (0);
- sub info {
- print STDOUT "update-rc.d: @_\n";
- }
- sub warning {
- print STDERR "update-rc.d: warning: @_\n";
- }
- sub error {
- print STDERR "update-rc.d: error: @_\n";
- exit (1);
- }
- # Check if there are links in /etc/rc[0-9S].d/
- # Remove if the first argument is "remove" and the links
- # point to $bn.
- sub is_link () {
- my ($op, $fn, $bn) = @_;
- if (! -l $fn) {
- warning "$fn is not a symbolic link\n";
- return 0;
- } else {
- my $linkdst = readlink ($fn);
- if (! defined $linkdst) {
- die ("update-rc.d: error reading symbolic link: $!\n");
- }
- if (($linkdst ne "../init.d/$bn") && ($linkdst ne "$initd/$bn")) {
- warning "$fn is not a link to ../init.d/$bn or $initd/$bn\n";
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub checklinks {
- my ($i, $found, $fn, $islnk);
- print " Removing any system startup links for $initd/$bn ...\n"
- if (defined $_[0] && $_[0] eq 'remove');
- $found = 0;
- foreach $i (0..9, 'S') {
- unless (chdir ("$etcd$i.d")) {
- next if ($i =~ m/^[789S]$/);
- die("update-rc.d: chdir $etcd$i.d: $!\n");
- }
- opendir(DIR, ".");
- my $saveBN=$bn;
- $saveBN =~ s/\+/\\+/g;
- foreach $_ (readdir(DIR)) {
- next unless (/^[SK]\d\d$saveBN$/);
- $fn = "$etcd$i.d/$_";
- $found = 1;
- $islnk = &is_link ($_[0], $fn, $bn);
- next unless (defined $_[0] and $_[0] eq 'remove');
- if (! $islnk) {
- print " $fn is not a link to ../init.d/$bn; not removing\n";
- next;
- }
- print " $etcd$i.d/$_\n";
- next if ($notreally);
- unlink ("$etcd$i.d/$_") ||
- die("update-rc.d: unlink: $!\n");
- }
- closedir(DIR);
- }
- $found;
- }
- sub parse_lsb_header {
- my $initdscript = shift;
- my %lsbinfo;
- my $lsbheaders = "Provides|Required-Start|Required-Stop|Default-Start|Default-Stop";
- open(INIT, "<$initdscript") || die "error: unable to read $initdscript";
- while (<INIT>) {
- chomp;
- $lsbinfo{'found'} = 1 if (m/^\#\#\# BEGIN INIT INFO\s*$/);
- last if (m/\#\#\# END INIT INFO\s*$/);
- if (m/^\# ($lsbheaders):\s*(\S?.*)$/i) {
- $lsbinfo{lc($1)} = $2;
- }
- }
- close(INIT);
- # Check that all the required headers are present
- if (!$lsbinfo{found}) {
- printf STDERR "update-rc.d: warning: $initdscript missing LSB information\n";
- printf STDERR "update-rc.d: see <http://wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts>\n";
- } else {
- for my $key (split(/\|/, lc($lsbheaders))) {
- if (!exists $lsbinfo{$key}) {
- warning "$initdscript missing LSB keyword '$key'\n";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Process the arguments after the "enable" or "disable" keyword.
- sub toggle {
- my @argv = @_;
- my ($action, %lvls, @start, @stop, @xstartlinks);
- if (!&checklinks) {
- print " System start/stop links for $initd/$bn do not exist.\n";
- exit (0);
- }
- $action = $argv[0];
- if ($#argv > 1) {
- while ($#argv > 0 && shift @argv) {
- if ($argv[0] =~ /^[S2-5]$/) {
- $lvls{$argv[0]}++;
- } else {
- &usage ("expected 'S' '2' '3' '4' or '5'");
- }
- }
- } else {
- $lvls{$_}++ for ('S', '2', '3', '4', '5');
- }
- push(@start, glob($etcd . '[2-5S].d/[KS][0-9][0-9]' . $bn));
- foreach (@start) {
- my $islink = &is_link (undef, $_, $bn);
- next if !$islink;
- next unless my ($lvl, $sk, $seq) = m/^$etcd([2-5S])\.d\/([SK])([0-9]{2})$bn$/;
- $startlinks[$lvl] = $sk . $seq;
- if ($action eq 'disable' and $sk eq 'S' and $lvls{$lvl}) {
- $xstartlinks[$lvl] = 'K' . sprintf "%02d", (100 - $seq);
- } elsif ($action eq 'enable' and $sk eq 'K' and $lvls{$lvl}) {
- $xstartlinks[$lvl] = 'S' . sprintf "%02d", -($seq - 100);
- } else {
- $xstartlinks[$lvl] = $sk . $seq;
- }
- }
- push(@stop, glob($etcd . '[016].d/[KS][0-9][0-9]' . $bn));
- foreach (@stop) {
- my $islink = &is_link (undef, $_, $bn);
- next if !$islink;
- next unless my ($lvl, $sk, $seq) = m/^$etcd([016])\.d\/([SK])([0-9]{2})$bn$/;
- $stoplinks[$lvl] = $sk . $seq;
- }
- if ($action eq 'disable') {
- print " Disabling system startup links for $initd/$bn ...\n";
- } elsif ($action eq 'enable') {
- print " Enabling system startup links for $initd/$bn ...\n";
- }
- &checklinks ("remove");
- @startlinks = @xstartlinks;
- 1;
- }
- # Process the arguments after the "defaults" keyword.
- sub defaults {
- my @argv = @_;
- my ($start, $stop) = (20, 20);
- &usage ("defaults takes only one or two codenumbers") if ($#argv > 2);
- $start = $stop = $argv[1] if ($#argv >= 1);
- $stop = $argv[2] if ($#argv >= 2);
- &usage ("codenumber must be a number between 0 and 99")
- if ($start !~ /^\d\d?$/ || $stop !~ /^\d\d?$/);
- $start = sprintf("%02d", $start);
- $stop = sprintf("%02d", $stop);
- $stoplinks[$_] = "K$stop" for (0, 1, 6);
- $startlinks[$_] = "S$start" for (2, 3, 4, 5);
- 1;
- }
- # Process the arguments after the start or stop keyword.
- sub startstop {
- my @argv = @_;
- my($letter, $NN, $level);
- while ($#argv >= 0) {
- if ($argv[0] eq 'start') { $letter = 'S'; }
- elsif ($argv[0] eq 'stop') { $letter = 'K'; }
- else {
- &usage("expected start|stop");
- }
- if ($argv[1] !~ /^\d\d?$/) {
- &usage("expected NN after $argv[0]");
- }
- $NN = sprintf("%02d", $argv[1]);
- if ($argv[-1] ne '.') {
- &usage("start|stop arguments not terminated by \".\"");
- }
- shift @argv; shift @argv;
- $level = shift @argv;
- do {
- if ($level !~ m/^[0-9S]$/) {
- &usage(
- "expected runlevel [0-9S] (did you forget \".\" ?)");
- }
- if (! -d "$etcd$level.d") {
- print STDERR
- "update-rc.d: $etcd$level.d: no such directory\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- $level = 99 if ($level eq 'S');
- $startlinks[$level] = "$letter$NN" if ($letter eq 'S');
- $stoplinks[$level] = "$letter$NN" if ($letter eq 'K');
- } while (($level = shift @argv) ne '.');
- }
- 1;
- }
- # Create the links.
- sub makelinks {
- my($t, $i);
- my @links;
- if (&checklinks) {
- print " System start/stop links for $initd/$bn already exist.\n";
- return 0;
- }
- print " Adding system startup for $initd/$bn ...\n";
- # nice unreadable perl mess :)
- for($t = 0; $t < 2; $t++) {
- @links = $t ? @startlinks : @stoplinks;
- for($i = 0; $i <= $#links; $i++) {
- my $lvl = $i;
- $lvl = 'S' if ($i == 99);
- next if (!defined $links[$i] or $links[$i] eq '');
- print " $etcd$lvl.d/$links[$i]$bn -> ../init.d/$bn\n";
- next if ($notreally);
- symlink("../init.d/$bn", "$etcd$lvl.d/$links[$i]$bn")
- || die("update-rc.d: symlink: $!\n");
- }
- }
- 1;
- }
- ## Dependency based
- sub insserv_updatercd {
- my @args = @_;
- my @opts;
- my $scriptname;
- my $action;
- my $notreally = 0;
- my @orig_argv = @args;
- while($#args >= 0 && ($_ = $args[0]) =~ /^-/) {
- shift @args;
- if (/^-n$/) { push(@opts, $_); $notreally++; next }
- if (/^-f$/) { push(@opts, $_); next }
- if (/^-h|--help$/) { &usage; }
- usage("unknown option");
- }
- usage("not enough arguments") if ($#args < 1);
- $scriptname = shift @args;
- $action = shift @args;
- if ("remove" eq $action) {
- if ( -f "/etc/init.d/$scriptname" ) {
- my $rc = system "insserv", @opts, "-r", $scriptname;
- if (0 == $rc && !$notreally) {
- save_last_action($scriptname, @orig_argv);
- }
- exit $rc;
- } else {
- # insserv removes all dangling symlinks, no need to tell it
- # what to look for.
- my $rc = system "insserv", @opts;
- if (0 == $rc && !$notreally) {
- save_last_action($scriptname, @orig_argv);
- }
- exit $rc;
- }
- } elsif ("defaults" eq $action || "start" eq $action ||
- "stop" eq $action) {
- # All start/stop/defaults arguments are discarded so emit a
- # message if arguments have been given and are in conflict
- # with Default-Start/Default-Stop values of LSB comment.
- cmp_args_with_defaults($scriptname, $action, @args);
- if ( -f "/etc/init.d/$scriptname" ) {
- my $rc = system "insserv", @opts, $scriptname;
- if (0 == $rc && !$notreally) {
- save_last_action($scriptname, @orig_argv);
- }
- exit $rc;
- } else {
- error("initscript does not exist: /etc/init.d/$scriptname");
- }
- } elsif ("disable" eq $action || "enable" eq $action) {
- insserv_toggle($notreally, $action, $scriptname, @args);
- # Call insserv to resequence modified links
- my $rc = system "insserv", @opts, $scriptname;
- if (0 == $rc && !$notreally) {
- save_last_action($scriptname, @orig_argv);
- }
- exit $rc;
- } else {
- usage();
- }
- }
- sub parse_def_start_stop {
- my $script = shift;
- my (%lsb, @def_start_lvls, @def_stop_lvls);
- open my $fh, '<', $script or error("unable to read $script");
- while (<$fh>) {
- chomp;
- if (m/^### BEGIN INIT INFO$/) {
- $lsb{'begin'}++;
- }
- elsif (m/^### END INIT INFO$/) {
- $lsb{'end'}++;
- last;
- }
- elsif ($lsb{'begin'} and not $lsb{'end'}) {
- if (m/^# Default-Start:\s*(\S?.*)$/) {
- @def_start_lvls = split(' ', $1);
- }
- if (m/^# Default-Stop:\s*(\S?.*)$/) {
- @def_stop_lvls = split(' ', $1);
- }
- }
- }
- close($fh);
- return (\@def_start_lvls, \@def_stop_lvls);
- }
- sub lsb_header_for_script {
- my $name = shift;
- foreach my $file ("/etc/insserv/overrides/$name", "/etc/init.d/$name",
- "/usr/share/insserv/overrides/$name") {
- return $file if -s $file;
- }
- error("cannot find a LSB script for $name");
- }
- sub cmp_args_with_defaults {
- my ($name, $act) = (shift, shift);
- my ($lsb_start_ref, $lsb_stop_ref, $arg_str, $lsb_str);
- my (@arg_start_lvls, @arg_stop_lvls, @lsb_start_lvls, @lsb_stop_lvls);
- ($lsb_start_ref, $lsb_stop_ref) = parse_def_start_stop("/etc/init.d/$name");
- @lsb_start_lvls = @$lsb_start_ref;
- @lsb_stop_lvls = @$lsb_stop_ref;
- return if (!@lsb_start_lvls and !@lsb_stop_lvls);
- if ($act eq 'defaults') {
- @arg_start_lvls = (2, 3, 4, 5);
- @arg_stop_lvls = (0, 1, 6);
- } elsif ($act eq 'start' or $act eq 'stop') {
- my $start = $act eq 'start' ? 1 : 0;
- my $stop = $act eq 'stop' ? 1 : 0;
- # The legacy part of this program passes arguments starting with
- # "start|stop NN x y z ." but the insserv part gives argument list
- # starting with sequence number (ie. strips off leading "start|stop")
- # Start processing arguments immediately after the first seq number.
- my $argi = $_[0] eq $act ? 2 : 1;
- while (defined $_[$argi]) {
- my $arg = $_[$argi];
- # Runlevels 0 and 6 are always stop runlevels
- if ($arg eq 0 or $arg eq 6) {
- $start = 0; $stop = 1;
- } elsif ($arg eq 'start') {
- $start = 1; $stop = 0; $argi++; next;
- } elsif ($arg eq 'stop') {
- $start = 0; $stop = 1; $argi++; next;
- } elsif ($arg eq '.') {
- next;
- }
- push(@arg_start_lvls, $arg) if $start;
- push(@arg_stop_lvls, $arg) if $stop;
- } continue {
- $argi++;
- }
- }
- if ($#arg_start_lvls != $#lsb_start_lvls or
- join("\0", sort @arg_start_lvls) ne join("\0", sort @lsb_start_lvls)) {
- $arg_str = @arg_start_lvls ? "@arg_start_lvls" : "none";
- $lsb_str = @lsb_start_lvls ? "@lsb_start_lvls" : "none";
- warning "$name start runlevel arguments ($arg_str) do not match",
- "LSB Default-Start values ($lsb_str)";
- }
- if ($#arg_stop_lvls != $#lsb_stop_lvls or
- join("\0", sort @arg_stop_lvls) ne join("\0", sort @lsb_stop_lvls)) {
- $arg_str = @arg_stop_lvls ? "@arg_stop_lvls" : "none";
- $lsb_str = @lsb_stop_lvls ? "@lsb_stop_lvls" : "none";
- warning "$name stop runlevel arguments ($arg_str) do not match",
- "LSB Default-Stop values ($lsb_str)";
- }
- }
- sub insserv_toggle {
- my ($dryrun, $act, $name) = (shift, shift, shift);
- my (@toggle_lvls, $start_lvls, $stop_lvls, @symlinks);
- my $lsb_header = lsb_header_for_script($name);
- # Extra arguments to disable|enable action are runlevels. If none
- # given parse LSB info for Default-Start value.
- if ($#_ >= 0) {
- @toggle_lvls = @_;
- } else {
- ($start_lvls, $stop_lvls) = parse_def_start_stop($lsb_header);
- @toggle_lvls = @$start_lvls;
- if ($#toggle_lvls < 0) {
- error("$name Default-Start contains no runlevels, aborting.");
- }
- }
- # Find symlinks in rc.d directories. Refuse to modify links in runlevels
- # not used for normal system start sequence.
- for my $lvl (@toggle_lvls) {
- if ($lvl !~ /^[S2345]$/) {
- warning("$act action will have no effect on runlevel $lvl");
- next;
- }
- push(@symlinks, $_) for glob("/etc/rc$lvl.d/[SK][0-9][0-9]$name");
- }
- if (!@symlinks) {
- error("no runlevel symlinks to modify, aborting!");
- }
- # Toggle S/K bit of script symlink.
- for my $cur_lnk (@symlinks) {
- my $sk;
- my @new_lnk = split(//, $cur_lnk);
- if ("disable" eq $act) {
- $sk = rindex($cur_lnk, '/S') + 1;
- next if $sk < 1;
- $new_lnk[$sk] = 'K';
- } else {
- $sk = rindex($cur_lnk, '/K') + 1;
- next if $sk < 1;
- $new_lnk[$sk] = 'S';
- }
- if ($dryrun) {
- printf("rename(%s, %s)\n", $cur_lnk, join('', @new_lnk));
- next;
- }
- rename($cur_lnk, join('', @new_lnk)) or error($!);
- }
- }